Photo Album
Events & Activities 2024
Membership Appreciation Soup Supper
Join us on Saturday November 9th
The 2024 Second District Fall Conference was held at the Veterans Memorial Building, in Cedar Rapids, on Saturday, October 5th.
Teresa Shaw, Department Business Manager, briefed attendees on numerous items that were included in the Department Report.
Representing Department Commander Brian Ring, Department Vice Commander Gerald Bennett addresses the conference attendees.
National Executive Committee member Dennis Soppe explains a myriad of issues that are being discussed at the National level.
Department Service Officer Shane Pankonen explains what he and his colleagues are doing day-in-and-day-out to help our members and other Veterans with obtaining their deserved benefits
2nd District Sons of The American Legion Liaison Kurt Keller updates attendees on what is happening with different aspects of the District SAL Squadrons.
Squadron Advisor Kurt Keller prepares to accept the “National Four Pillar” award from Past Detachment Commander Jim Lastovka.
On behalf of Wapsie Post 473 Commander Les Paarmann, Kurt Keller accepts Membership Appreciation Certificates from Department Vice Commander Gerald Bennett.
July 4, 2024 - Independance Day in OJ!
Wapsie Post and Sons Squadron 473 members march to kick off the annual parade.
Grand Marshals - Legionnaire Tom Zaruba and his wife Linda Zaruba.
Both are longstanding pillars of the community.
The Zaruba family fallows, proudly driving some of Tom's favorite cars.
Sons of The American Legion 473 Member,
Alex Smith-Williams.
SAL $500 Coon's Corner Raffle Winner Announced.
Congratulations, Mike Bixler!
Boys State 2024
Jayson Ruley was chosen by the Legionnaires of Wapsie Post 473 to represent them as their delegate at the 2024 session of The American Legion of Iowa Boys State, which was held at Camp Dodge on June 23-28.
At Boys State, participants learn the rights, privileges and responsibilities of franchised citizens. The training is objective and centers on the structure of city, county and state governments.
At the beginning of their week long session, delegates are assigned to "cities" that are named after past Department of Iowa Commanders, and the cities compete against one another throughout the week in hopes of winning the Iowa Boys State Cup. Jayson was a member of Moline City, named after past commander J. Scott Moline.
Sunset over Camp Dodge at the end of the first day.
Moline City delegates in their barracks. Jayson is shown second from right in the red "Future Cyclone" shirt."
Moline City delegates on Thursday. At that time, they were in the lead for the Iowa Boys State Cup. Jayson is shown fourth from left in the back row of this photo (partially hidden).
Memorial Day 2024 in Pictures - A Day of Service, and Remembrance
Boys State Delegate Chosen - Bill Goodman
American Legion Boys State - DeWitt Post 238 hosted one of the three 2nd District Boys State Orientations on Sunday, April 21st. Jayson Ruley, the delegate sponsored by Wapsie Post 473 attended and is shown (3rd from the right) in the above photo. American Legion Boys State is being held at Camp Dodge during the week of June 23rd.
Members of Wapsie Post 473 have selected a delegate to attend the 2024 session of American Legion Boys State during the period of 23-28 June at Camp Dodge. Oxford Junction Legionnaires will sponsor Jayson Ruley, who is currently a Junior at Midland High School.
American Legion Boys State is a unique summertime educational program for Iowa high school students who have completed their junior year, focusing on participation and personal experience in a model state, complete with governmental bodies and elected public officials. It is designed to mirror the structure and operation of its respective state government, while providing training in practical citizenship, leadership and character development through a non-partisan perspective.
The American Legion believes our American government can survive only with an educated populace. By teaching youth to understand and appreciate our democratic republic, America can remain strong and ensure our freedom for future generations.
Known as “citizens” at Boys State, each young man becomes an integral part of the program by assuming responsibilities and performing duties either as an elected or appointed official, or otherwise fulfilling an assignment entailing the duties of responsible citizenship. Some assignments include law enforcement and law school.
Boys State allows its citizens to form and operate their government with guidance of adult volunteer staff; but, because Boys State emphasizes learning by doing, citizens are encouraged to be innovative and are not bound by rigid design. It clearly demonstrates that the government is what its citizens make of it!
Boys Staters are also given opportunities in band, chorus, post-secondary education information and leading general assemblies in the Pledge of Allegiance and prayer. Scholarship opportunities also abound.
Each year, two outstanding participants are selected to represent Iowa at American Legion Boys Nation, an extension of the Boys State experience. Boys Nation has objectives and characteristics similar to Boys State except the focus is on the study of federal government. The weeklong program in our Nation’s capital combines lectures, forums and visitations to federal agencies, institutions, memorials and historical sites in and around the District of Columbia. At Boys Nation, each delegate represents his state as a senator and participates in senate sessions. They organize into committees and conduct hearings on bills submitted by the senators. Instruction and operation of the Boys Nation Senate is based on the rules of the U.S. Senate.
Iowa American Legion Boys State – truly a week that shapes a lifetime.
2nd District Spring Conference - April 20th 2024 - Maria Clark
Members of the American Legion Wapsie Post 473 attended the 2nd District Spring Conference hosted by Blue Grass Post 711
During the conference, the Wapsie Post was presented with a Road Runner award.
The Road Runner award is presented to American Legions who have achieved growth of over 105% of total membership.
Membership Chairman Tom Zaruba accepted the award on behalf of Wapsie Post 473.
Due to the outstanding commitment and the hard work of Membership Chairman Tom Zaruba, along with Bill Goodman, a member of the membership committee, Wapsie Post 473 was honored with this award.
Wapsie Post 473 has achieved this award for 3 consecutive years. This is the Post's 4th Road Runner award in the past 6 years.
Wapsie Post 473 was also awarded the Honor Ribbon. This ribbon is awarded to any American Legion Family that achieves 100 percent membership by the 2024 100% membership target date.
For this award, the Legion Family is defined as a post and/or any combination of a Sons squadron or Auxiliary Unit. Each must achieve 100% membership to qualify for the award.
Wapsie Post Commander, Pat Fowler.
Membership Chairman, Tom Zaruba. Commander Fowler is a dual member of the Wapsie Post and the SAL Squadron
Wapsie Post Vice Commander,
Curtis Thornhill.
Service Officer and Wapsie Post Historian, Bill Goodman.
Bill Goodman is a dual member of the Wapsie Post and the SAL Squadron.
Department Vice Commander,
Steve Colcord.
2nd District Commander,
Dick Bries.
Wapsie Post Membership Chairman, Tom Zaruba.
Wapsie Post Sgt. At Arms, Kurt Keller and his grandson, SAL member Alex Smith-Williams
Keller is a dual member of the Wapsie Post and the SAL Squadron
Veterans Service Office Claims Representative Josey Pester
Department Membership Clerk
Ann Haack
Department Membership Chair Brian Ring of Glenwood Post 141. Brian is a candidate for Department Commander (2024-2025).
Post 473 Membership Chair Tom Zaruba receiving an Honor Ribbon and the Road Runner Award from Department Vice Commander Steve Colcord and 2nd District Commander Dick Bries.
Wapsie Post members
Linda Peterkin,
Virginia Carter, and
Post Adjutant, Maria Clark. Virginia Carter is a dual member of the Wapsie Post and The American Legion Auxiliary Wapsie unit.
Oxford Junction Elementary School student Quorra Sales placed second in the 2nd District 5th Grade Flag Essay Contest. Quorra is shown reading her essay during the banquet at the 2nd District Spring Conference.
2nd District Commander Dick Bries and 2nd District Adjutant Polly Graham are shown presenting Quorra with an American Flag that had been flown over our nation’s capitol building. She was also given a certificate and a check for $75.00. Congratulations Quorra!
2nd District Commander Dick Bries is shown with Quorra and her family members.