Photo Album

Events & Activities 2023

2023 Christmas Party - Held after a joint Poist and SAL meeting, December 14

A Dessert table worthy of Santa!

Curtis Thornhill reviewing meeting notes, waiting for the party to begin

Door Prizes!

Maria Clark and Tom Zaruba

Alex Smith-Williams,
Head Elf, helping to distribute door prizes

Bill Goodman Checking his list, and checking it twice.

SAL member Alex Smith-Williams draws the winning ticket.

Coon's Corner Holiday Raffle Winner Announced

The winning ticket of the $500 Coon’s Corner Holiday Raffle was drawn during the November 15, 2023 SAL meeting.

The winner is… Rhonda Jeffery of Wyoming!

The winning ticket was purchased at Thomsen’s Filling Station.

Congratulations, Rhonda! And a big thank you to the entire community for your support of Sons of the American Legion ßquadron 473!

Veterans Day Visits to Honor Veterans

In observance of Veterans Day, Oxford Junction American Legion Family members visited two different Care Centers in the local area to give thanks to residents who served in the military.

On November 10th, Post 473 Legionnaire Bill Goodman visited the Mechanicsville Care Center to assist with the Veterans Day program that was planned by Activities Director Alyssa Feddersen. The program was open to all residents and honored the service of eight Veterans and two widows of men who had served.

On November 11th, Post 473 Legionnaires Maria Clark, Linda Peterkin and Kurt Keller, along with Sons of The American Legion member Alex Smith-Williams visited the Clarence Care Center to visit three members of our Post who reside there.

Shown in the front row (l to r) are Lynn Ricklefs (Navy), Arthur Houston (Navy), John Booze (Marines), Jon Osburn (Navy), Lyle Hyke (Air Force), and Fred Hass (Air Force). Shown in back (l to r) are Mathew Lock (Army), who serves as the Director of Maintenance for the Care Center, and Post 473 Legionnaire Bill Goodman. Veteran resident Neil Kratz (Army) was not present for the photo.

Activities Director Alyssa Feddersen (left) prepares for the fantastic program she put together for residents who served our country.

 Image of the program that Alyssa prepared for the event.

Shown (l to r in the back row) are Legion Family members Alex Smith-Williams, Maria Clark, Linda Peterkin and Kurt Keller. Clarence Care Center residents (l to r, in front) are Herold Rehmke, Larry Marek and Leonard Lasack. Herold served in the  Air Force and has been a member of Post 473 for 69 continuous years; Larry served in the Army and has been a Legionnaire for 39 continuous years; and Leonard also served in the Army and has been a member of Post 473 for 71 continuous years.

Legion members gathered around the table for a discussion of past and present.

Alex Smith-Williams presents an appreciation coin to Herold Rehmke.

Alex Smith-Williams presents an appreciation coin to Larry Marek.

Veterans Honored at Midland High School

On Friday, November 10th, Midland High School held their annual Veterans Day Assembly. Local Veterans are most gracious to the students and faculty for hosting this event, as they do a fabulous job of paying tribute to the men and women who have served in the military.

Midland School District Superintendent Terese Jurgensen gives the opening address and welcomes those in attendance.

Midland High School Football Coach and Wyoming Legionnaire Lennie Miller presents the keynote speech.

Oxford Junction American Legion Auxiliary Unit 473 President Stacy Agnitsch announces the winners of the annual 5th Grade Flag Essay Contest.

Wyoming Legionnaire Gary Brunscheen presents a certificate to Kennedy Gilson, who will represent Post 259 at the District level of the 5th Grade Flag Essay Contest.

Lost Nation Legionnaire Dave Burmeister presents a certificate to Lauren Thomsen, who will represent Post 381 at the District level of the 5th Grade Flag Essay Contest.

Oxford Junction Legionnaire Mark Denniston presents a certificate to Quorra Sales, who will represent Post 473 at the District level of the 5th Grade Flag Essay Contest.

Flag Education Presentation

On the morning of Friday, October 6th, members of the Oxford Junction American Legion Family were invited to Midland Elementary School to discuss Flag Etiquette and the Pledge of Allegiance. Legionnaires Maria Clark, Mason Petersen, Curtis Thornhill and Bill Goodman, along with Sons of The American Legion member Robert Hines wish to thank 5th Grade teachers Pam Lehrman and Mallory McDermott for their warm hospitality and for allowing us to engage with their students.  

Maria Clark,
Positively OJ Facebook Group

The 9th annual Rockin' in the Park event will be held on Saturday August 26th!

Rockin'  in the Park is a fun filled day at the Oxford Junction Wapsie Park! 

The day starts off at 9 AM with a Flea Market / Swap Meet!
Throughout  the day there will  be food vendors  available at the event!

A 50/50 raffle will be held. Tickets will be sold at the event. Need not be present to win.

Show n' Shine is from noon to 4 PM.

If it has wheels and you're proud of it bring it down and show it off. There  is no entry fee to participate!

ANYTHING with wheels is encouraged to participate in the Show n' Shine! Cars, tractors, trucks, motorcycles, and even garden tractors!

A cruise starts at 4 PM The cruise travels to surrounding communities  with a few pitstops planned along the way.  A great way to show off your wheels to folks!

The day ends with a rock n' roll dance from 6 PM  to 10 PM at the Oxford Junction Legionaire Ballroom.  Dance away to The Blue 60 Band. The band features music of the 50's, 60's, and 70's. There is a $10 cover charge.

Tom Zaruba of Oxford Junction, the main organizer of the event,  has been a car enthusiast since he was a teen. Referring to himself back then as a shade tree mechanic. 

Tom is a Veteran. His passion for cars gave him the idea for the event 9 years ago as a fundraiser for the American Legion Wapsie Post 473.  All funds raised at the event will benefit  the American Legion Wapsie Post 473!

Volunteers are needed for the event. Please call Tom Zaruba at
563-331-0497. You may also reach out to him for any questions about the event.

Flea Market

Wapsie Post 473 Membership Chair, Tom Zaruba's car collectiom.

A beautiful display and a poweful reminder.

The Registratiom Table was busy with car show entrants, 50/50 raffle sales and so much more!

The ladies of the Auxiliary were at the Park with delicious food options!
Walking tacos, Hotdogs, brats , fried tenderloin sandwiches.

Wapsie Post 473 Commander Pat Fowler Wapsie Post Veteran Mason Petersen

Wapsie Post Veteran
Maria Clark

Wapsie Post photographer Veteran Kurt Keller taking pic of Positively O.J. admin Maria Clark as she was taking a pic of him.

Wapsie Post Veteran and SAL Member Bill Goodman holds the bucket, so that Easton Tubbs can draw for the winner of the 50/50 raffle.

Wapsie American Legion Post 473 Commander Pat Fowler  with Easton Tubbs. Easton drew the name  for the 50/50 raffle. Tom Zaruba  was the winner which he graciously donated back to the Legion

The American Legion 2nd District of Iowa Golf Outing - Little Bear Country Club, Wyoming, IA | Aug 12, 2023

Back cart -left to right- Ron Nowachek Marshall Shedeck, and Ty Jensen.
Front cart-Derek Feuss and Kris Leeper

Doris and Mark Denniston 

Doris is an Auxiliary member of Wapsie Unit 473. Mark is a dual-member of  Wapsie Post 473 and SAL

Alan and Maisie Lasack and Ron Nowachek. 

Alan is a member of the Wapsie Sons of the American Legion Squadron 473. 

Ron is a member of the Wapsie Post 473

Veterans of Wapsie Post 473

Maria Clark and Linda Peterkin

Kathy and Curtis Thornhill 

Kathy is an Auxiliary member of Wapsie Unit 473 .Curtis is a member of 473 Wapsie Post

Kurt Keller , Wapsie Post 473 photographer

Kurt is a dual-member of Wapsie Post 473 and SAL

Members of American Legion post 273 from Bellevue

Leonard Ernst has been Adjutant of Bellevue Post 273 for 17 years!

Maria Clark has been Adjutant of Wapsie Post 473 for 2 days!

Wapsie Post 473 members

Curtis Thornhill
Bill Goodman
Mason Petersen

Alan Lasack, Ron Nowachek,  Mark Denniston

104th annual American Legion Department Convention | July 14-16, 2023

Past National Commander Dave Rehbein swears in Newly elected Department Commander Stan Elliott (blue cap), as outgoing Department Commander Randy Johnson (white cap) prepares to stand down.

Department Commander Stan Elliott addresses the General Assembly.

Post 473 Legionnaire Kurt Keller is shown getting ready to take more photos. (contiues right...)

... Kurt took over 900 photos during the Department Convention and downloaded them all on Department computers for use on the Department website, the Department Facebook page and other social media outlets.

2nd District Commander Jerry Becker presents the Post Excellence Award to Post 473 Legionnaires Curtis Thornhill and Kurt Keller, as incoming District Commander
Dick Bries looks on.

Post 473 Legionnaire Bill Goodman accepts the Spafford Trophy membership plaque from Department commander
Randy Johnson.

2nd District Commander Jerry Becker presents the "Best Website in the Department of Iowa" Certificate to Post 473 Legionnaires Curtis Thornhill and Kurt Keller, as incoming District Commander Dick Bries looks on.

The American Legion of Iowa 2023 Department Convention,  2nd District Caucus Attendees


Pictured left to right (seated) are: Nick Lucy (Dubuque Post 6); Polly Graham (Blue Grass Post 711); Incoming District Commander Dick Bries (Epworth Post 650); Outgoing District Commander Jerry Becker (Dyersville Post 137); Curtis Thornhill (Oxford Junction Post 473); and Greg Wagner (Dyersville Post 137).


Shown standing directly behind Dick Bries is Janet Grass (Dubuque Post 6). 

Shown standing (left to right): Dick Hogan (Marion Post 298); Mike Oberbroeckling (Dyersville Post 137); Justin "Sarge" Riesberg (Dyersville Post 137); Robert Demastus (Marion Post 298); Brian Pfeiler (Dyersville Post 137); Pat Oberbroeckling (Dyersville Post 137); Gerald Manemann (Dyersville Post 137); Leonard Ernst (Bellevue Post 238); John Pitlo (Bellevue Post 238); Ron Tyne (Marion Post 298); Don Arns (Walcott Post 548); Al LaPage (Farley Post 656); Ken Weimerkirch (Maquoketa Post 75); Jason Achenbach (Marion Post 298); Bill Goodman (Oxford Junction Post 473); and Wayne Kraft (Blue Grass Post 711). Not pictured is Kurt Keller (Oxford Junction Post 473), who graciously took the photo.

Independene Day in OJ 2023

Long time Legionnaires Named Grand Marshals

Herold Rehmke has been chosen as the Grand Marshal of the 2023 Oxford Junction 4th of July Parade!!

Herold Rehmke served in the
U.S. Air Force 1951-1955.  He was stationed in Germany, France, Spain & Cyprus as a mechanic.

He achieved the rank of Staff Sergeant  at the time of his discharge from service.  He has almost 70 years of continuous membership with  the Wapsie American Legion Post 473

In addition to his military service, he had served with the United States Postal Service for many years in Oxford Junction!

In 1970 he started as a part time flexible clerk. He then became a rural carrier in 1978.  He was appointed Post Master in 1983 and retired in 1998 from the United States Postal Service.

One of his favorite memories was when elementary teachers would bring their students  to the post office to mail valentines cards.  He loved serving the people of Oxford Junction. 

Congratulations Herold!

Leonard Lasack has been chosen as the Honorary Grand Marshal  of the 2023 Oxford Junction 4th of July  Parade!

Leonard Lasack served in the United States Air Force from   1950-1952.  He received his  basic training  at Lackland Air force Base in Texas .  He then  received  his advance individual training at Fort Sam Houston  in Texas  as an  Air Force  medic.  He was stationed  at various  bases in Europe.

Leonard Lasack has 70 years of continuous membership with the Wapsie American Legion Post 473.

Congratulations Leonard!

1st  place  winner of the  2023  Oxford Junction  4th of July  Parade is:

Floating in on the 4th of July!

 4  generations of  the Hansen family put this float together!

The 2nd place winner of the 2023 Oxford Junction  4th of July Parade is:

2nd: Buresh Berks & Boers

Alot of time and work went into this entry!   A  couple of goats were  even  included on the entry! Great Job!

The 3rd place winner  of the 2023 Oxford Junction 4th of July Parade  captured the hearts of  the spectators! Adorable!

3rd: BWM Trucking

Click on the schedule above to see larger version

2023 Boys State

Wapsie Post's 2023 Boys State delegate Ty Jensen.

Check-in for the 84th annual American Legion of Iowa Boys State.

Past National Commander Dave Rehbein addresses the Boys State Delegates.

Department Commander Randy Johnson addresses the Boys State Delegates.

SAL Detachment Commander James Lastovka addresses the Boys State Delegates.

Iowa Secretary of State Paul Pate addresses the Boys State Delegates.

Closing ceremony on Friday.

Ty bids farewell to one of his counselors.

Delegates on the steps of the Iowa State Capitol Building

Memorial Day 2023

On Saturday, May 29th, these patriots gathered at Mayflower Cemetery to place the traditional Avenue of Flags.
Shown (l to r) are Joe Hartwig, Alan Lasack, Derek Feuss, Travis Hageman, Kris Leeper, Teresa Fowler, Stephanie VonBehren, Scott Andresen, Jason Maschmann, Bill Goodman, Leslie Paarman,   Not pictured are Pat Fowler, Rita Balichek, Ty Jensen and Ron Nowachek

Wapsi Post 473 Honor Guard Flag Bearers, with Guards, stood behind the speaker's podium. Pictured (l to r) are Post Commander Ron Nowachek, SAL Squadron Commander Marshall Shedeck, SAL Squadron Vice Commander Joe Hartwig and Post Adjutant Les Paarmann. Standing behind them are unidentified members of the Wapsie Auxiliary Unit 473 Honor Guard. Not pictured is Alan Lasack, who played Taps.

Wapsie Post 473 Rifle Squad members stand at Parade Rest during the annual Memorial Day Ceremony at Mayflower Cemetery. Pictured (l to r) are Mason Petersen, Gary Willimack, Pat Fowler, Tom Zaruba, Victor Curley, Christian Bousselot, Ken Hayden, Rick Buresh and SGT-at-Arms Lynn Lasack.

Honor Guard arriving at the ceremony site

Father Andrew Awotwe-Mensah gives the Invocation

Colleen Coon and Kristina Agnitsch sing the National Anthem

Master of Ceremonies Bill Goodman

Keynote Speaker
Curtis Thornhill

Ty Jensen recites
"In Flanders Fields"

Logan Bicknese lays a wreath to honor our fallen

Avenue of Flags in Mayflower Cemetery

Crosses to honor all deceased Veterans in Mayflower Cemetery

Volunteers taking down the Avenue of Flags

Oxford Junction honors Old Glory

Oxford Junction, IA

May 11, 2023

Residents of the small, rural community of Oxford Junction, Iowa, have always been patriotic and for the past 103 years Wapsie Post 473 has been in the forefront of displaying and honoring our American flag. Displaying flags in the town's cemetery when commemorating Memorial Day is a prime example. Post 473 Legionnaires line the road through Mayflower Cemetery with flags designated for deceased veterans, with their nameplate at the bottom of each flagpole. Smaller flags are also placed in the war-era grave markers near the tombstone of every veteran.

Submitted by:
William G. "Bill" Goodman

Post 473 Legionnaire serving in US Navy
Boatswain's Mate Seaman Jon Thomsen of Oxford Junction signals the Henry J. Kaiser-class underway replenishment oiler USNS Tippecanoe

(T-AO-199) during a replenishment-at-sea aboard Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer USS John Finn (DDG 115). John Finn is assigned to Commander, Task Force 71/Destroyer Squadron (DESRON)

15, the Navy's largest forward-deployed DESRON and U.S. 7th Fleet's principal surface force. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Com unication Specialist 2nd Class Samantha Oblander)

American Legion Boys State Orientation

DeWitt Post 238 hosted one of the three 2nd District Boys State Orientations on Sunday, April 30th. Ty Jensen, the delegate sponsored by Wapsie Post 473 attended and is shown on the far right in the photo. American Legion Boys State is being held at Camp Dodge during the week of June 11th.

Korean War Memorial

Wapsie Post 473 Legionnaire Receives Honor Flight

On Tuesday, April 25th, Vietnam Veteran Curtis Thornhill toured military memorials in Washington, D.C. as part of Eastern Iowa Honor Flight # 46.  Traveling with Curtis was Bill Goodman, who volunteered to serve as his Guardian. Since America felt it was important to build memorials to the service and the ultimate sacrifice of her veterans, the Honor Flight Network believes it's equally important that Veterans actually get to visit and experience these memorials. The next Honor Flight out of Cedar Rapids is scheduled for May 24th.

World War II Memorial

Korean War Memorial

Vietnam Wall

Vietnam Wall

Arlington National Cemetary

Arlington National Cemetary

Welcome Home Reception

2023 Hog Raffle Drawing - April 19, 2023

Congratulations to Tom & Linda Zaruba, of TLZ Stop, for winning the SAL Hog Raffle. 

The Kitchen Makeover

By Stacy Agnitsch

We are excited to show you the results of our kitchen makeover. Words cannot express how much we appreciate all of the donations of time, money and materials to make this happen!!! The final touches will be removing the outside kitchen windows and old air conditioner (partial siding project by the Legion)  and tweaks to the grill stand. Thank you all again so much!!